My Tahoe is off to the body shop. I will miss her, but she has to have that butt lift. (I can't believe I forgot to take a picture.) I wish I could get a little nip tuck at the body shop!!
Did y'all see the amazing pics on CB's post on Dutch Harbor Dirt? The man is great with a camera. I am using the first pic of the Northwestern and the eagles as my wall paper right now. Unalaska is a beautiful place. I hope I get to visit there some day. I have it on my bucket list. Here is the pic I like the best on his blog...
If you get a chance go look at his amazing photography. There are also pics of the Northwestern crew for those who watch Deadliest Catch. Wonder what kind of camera he has? I need to ask him. I am still trying to figure out how I can pay for the new camera I want. Like I ask my wouldn't play golf with inferior clubs would you? Well, pics and scrapbooking are my things and I want the best equipment I can afford. You know I need a zoom while I am in Alaska and for cheerleading and soccer, etc. It's not a's a need.
I've seen his camera, it's a tiny little one that fits in his pocket :)