Thursday, February 12, 2009


I really began this blog to chornical my trip to Alaska via NCL's Pearl in June 2009. Excitement overcomes me whenever I think about my trip and the fun to be had. And when am I not thinking about it? I am going with two dear friends and have been planning this trip for about a year. Alas, Janice (AKA Thelma) can't go. I would give my right arm for her to go with us, but understand why she can't. I love her family like my own, but they sure put a cramp in our! Janice and I have been best friends for a few years now and contend we were seperated at birth. Anyway, Jackie and Betty (my other two scrapbook buddies) will there to amuse me. You know we all have to wear depends when we are around each other so as not to have an embarressing think I am kidding, don't you. Here is a pic of where we will be going...
...Alaska's Inside Passage. Some of the most beautiful landscape in the world...I am in my "happy place" now.

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