Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Picture the Titanic

Janice lent me some gloves and scarf for the cruise. I told her thank you and I'll try to not let it fly away while I am pretending to be Kate Winslett on the front of the ship...lol!! Wonder if I can find someone to be Leonardo Deccaprio (sp)??

Last night my husband called me from the golf range that we own and said that Shane (Courtney, my middle child's boyfriend) came out to ask for Courtney's hand in marriage. Awwwe! Shhhhh, he's going to purpose to her while all the family is camping at the Frio River (where George Straight learned to swim) the first week in August. I already kinda knew what he was planning. It's a surprise for Courtney. Not to worry her computer is on the fritz and she never reads my blog. Only Stephanie (my oldest) reads it on a daily basis...and she's just nosey...LOL!!! Just Kidding.

EWE!!! I got a letter from my travel agent last evening and I am so excited. As a thank you for booking through them I am receiving: a travel bag, ship board credits, a bottle of wine and assorted chocolates and they have planned a cocktail party for Monday evening on the ship with open bar (all the diet coke I can drink) and snacks. Wonder if the paparazzi will be there? You know how I hate to be in the spotlight...lol! I feel like a celebrity. It will be hard to go back to living among the peasants when I return to reality. You know what Mae West says..."To much of a good thing is wonderful.". I thoroughly intend to take full advantage of the pampering and the "It's all about Me" mind set. Something as a mother of three and Nani of two I very rarely get to do.

2 more days, and to help pass the time, tonight is Tues..."Deadliest Catch" and "Out of the Wild" my two favorite show. You know they are about Alaska which makes them even better.

Hope everyone is having a great week, Sindee


  1. Just catching up on my fav blogs...just 2 more days until you leave?!!

  2. Can you believe it Mel? I leave this Friday. WooHoo! How is your vacation going? Sounds like you are having a good time by reading your blog. Hope you are feeling better too. I am going to try to blog from the ship. Keep in touch, Sindee
